“Sharp and focused, yet loving and attentive: that’s how I would describe Alfred and Stefanie. Their training gave me the confidence and clarity to help my team face challenges with ease and enthusiasm.”
Practical training and lectures for leaders who dare to look at themselves.
We help leaders bring the principles from the book Leading with and without Ego to life in their work.
Learn to know when to take control and when to let go. Build the agility to adjust your leadership style to fulfill what’s truly needed in the bigger picture. By doing so, you create the ideal conditions for your team to get into flow and deliver sustainable performance. Are you ready to take the next step in your leadership?
Barbara van der Steen
“Alfred and Stefanie demonstrate the power of dedicated attention. With a clear vision, they provide practical advice and create an authentic practice setting. Their intuitive and practical approach helps me every day to gain clarity and find space more quickly in challenging situations.”
Eveline Ariesen
“Alfred and Stefanie are masters of training without ego. Without judgment, they reflect what they observe, making my style remarkably clear—highlighting both its strengths and areas for growth. The results were transformative, and their concrete approach is immediately applicable. Highly recommended!”
Nico Sinke
“This training goes beyond intellectual patterns and conventional business practices. Their approach helps you rediscover authentic traits and aspirations and integrate them into your professional life. It has helped me create space for playfulness and curiosity, and to genuinely experience that space in my work.”
Tanja Weijts
“Alfred and Stefanie do something magical. They don’t hesitate to uncover the deepest layers, effortlessly revealing solutions. I’ve gained a strength I can apply in every situation, big or small. Their guidance is invaluable to me and those around me.”
Be enthusiastic and motivated every day
Stimulate innovation and maintain high productivity
Build a connected team environment
Push boundaries with care to achieve sustainable success.
We can train you as a leader. Often, it’s more effective, valuable, and enjoyable to involve the whole team of leaders, so you all speak the same language. While the 8 steps from Leading with and without Ego form the foundation, what will truly advance your organization is unique.
Feel free to contact us, and together we‘ll determine how you and the organization can benefit most.
Are you dealing with challenges in your team, dissatisfied staff, or struggling to enjoy going to work? Do you want your teams to excel and find meaning in their work? Would you rather focus on the bigger picture instead of constantly firefighting? Become a leader who truly makes an impact.
We work with the 8-step model from the book Leading with and without Ego, which is divided into three phases.
In each phase, the focus is on yourself, because this is where your influence lies. Your actions and inactions, decisions and indecisions, shape your behavior and determine the direction.
It takes courage to look at yourself and accept what you see. Only by understanding your own role can you effectively lead.
To gain a complete picture, you also need to look at how others perceive you. This gives valuable insights and helps you better understand where your influence truly lies.”
5. I develop mature relationships (and remain mature myself).
6. I provide individuals with a safe and challenging context.
7. I provide teams with a safe and challenging context.
8. I promote a work structure in which people can learn and perform.
Dit kan resulteren in afdelingen die goed presteren, maar niet op elkaar zijn afgestemd en niet de gewenste resultaten voor de klant opleveren.
Je kan hier op leeglopen en je machteloos over voelen, omdat je de ander niet kan veranderen.
Dit is vaak niet hetzelfde als wat de organisatie nodig heeft. ‘Doen wat je baas verwacht’ beperkt je gevoel van eigenaarschap en daarmee je bevlogenheid.
In tijden van onzekerheid neemt het reptielen- en zoogdierenbrein het over en schakelt de dan juist cruciale rationele vaardigheden uit, zoals beslissingen nemen, problemen oplossen en samenwerken.
Deze angst blokkeert vaak een doorbraak in de prestatie van het team.
Dit kan leiden tot misplaatst zelfvertrouwen, als je niet eerlijk bent over je zwaktes doet dat afbreuk aan je geloofwaardigheid.
Alfred, co-author of Leading with and without Ego, has decades of experience in leadership training and guiding performance improvements within organizations. In addition to his executive experience, he has developed and led strategic development programs for the top management of companies. Stefanie is an expert in addressing stress and burnout in organizations and has extensive experience in experiential learning, where participants learn not only with their minds but also through deep learning experiences by engaging their bodies.
Together, they are not a traditional consultancy. They are clear, bold, and stand by your side. They offer a personal and efficient approach that saves you time: you always have direct contact with them. Due to a smart structure of staying small, they are extremely flexible.
What makes us different from others
We handle your email address with care; it will never be shared with third parties or used for any other purposes.
Sign up for the training and receive the book for free.
Leading with and without Ego, written by Paul van Schaik, Alfred Schmits, and Dennis Stout, with a foreword by John van der Ent, Executive Director of Spar International, has been available since December 2025, currently only in Dutch.
The book describes what we often do as leaders, why we (un)consciously do it, and the effects it has: teams frequently fail to get into flow, and conflicts arise. With a concrete 8-step plan, the book offers alternative behaviors that lead to deeper collaboration, more job satisfaction, and above-average performance. These strategies are based on years of experience in large corporations and supported by scientific research.
In the program by Alfred Schmits and Stefanie van Boekel, you will learn how to directly apply these successful strategies in your own team or organization.
Het boek Leidinggeven met en zonder Ego, geschreven door Paul van Schaik, Alfred Schmits, en Dennis Stout ligt sinds oktober in de schappen. Dit boek biedt niet alleen de tools om je ego in balans te houden, maar ook om te leren wanneer het nodig is om je ego los te laten, zodat je de ander kunt ondersteunen in zijn of haar groei.
Met de trainingen van Stefanie van Boekel zorgen we dat je die stappen echt doorloopt en dat bovenstaande je lukt.
We’d be happy to hear from you. You can contact us in several ways:
Wil jij vrijblijvend sparren over de mogelijkheden om optimaal te functioneren als leidinggevende? Ik bel je graag terug.
We behandelen je e-mailadres met zorg: het wordt nooit gedeeld met derden of gebruikt voor andere doeleinden.
*verplicht veld
Would you like a no-obligation sparring session on how to function optimally as a manager? I would be happy to call you back.
We treat your email address with care: it will never be shared with third parties or used for other purposes.
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